CIG is actively involved in community development
By way of corporate social responsibility. Our CSR policy functions as a self-regulatory mechanism whereby our company monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, national and international norms.

Our CSR encompasses a wide variety of tactics
from giving away a portion of our company’s proceed to charity annually, to implementing greener business operations. Over the years, we have consistently developed initiatives that benefit society in the following ways:

CIG has continually donated to local and international charities and religious bodies, identifying closely with them and committing to serving our disadvantaged communities.

Environmental Efforts
One primary focus of our CSR is the environment. We reckon that businesses, regardless of size, have a large carbon footprint. We have taken necessary steps that we consider good for our company and the society at large in reducing the footprints. One of these steps in our participation in the Oil & Gas sector is the bio-remediation of impacted soils through the use of cultured microbes.

Ethical Labour Practice
We commit to treating all employees fairly and ethically in compliance with acceptable international labour laws.

As a show of the company’s sincerity, CIG attends public enlightenment and volunteer events organized by public, private, and government agencies. We express our concerns on specific issues and support certain policies that will better a lot of our communities.